Positive response for open ocean farming

Positive response for open ocean farming

New Zealand King Salmon (NZKS) is welcoming the support for its application to farm in the open ocean in the Cook Strait. “It’s fantastic to see the numerous positive submissions Marlborough District Council has received in response to our application for Blue...
NZ Government delivers plan for world-leading aquaculture industry

NZ Government delivers plan for world-leading aquaculture industry

19 September 2019   Hon. Stuart Nash yesterday announced a national government aquaculture strategy at the industry’s annual conference. Release below taken from https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/government-delivers-plan-world-leading-aquaculture-industry...
New Zealand King Salmon applies for open ocean farming

New Zealand King Salmon applies for open ocean farming

Media Release 6 August 2019   New Zealand King Salmon is taking a step towards the future in applying for resource consent to farm in the open ocean, north of Marlborough in the Cook Strait. Once the application is approved, the company intends to commission an...
King Shag population increases in Marlborough

King Shag population increases in Marlborough

July 2019 The King Shag population in Marlborough has increased over the past year. A report found an overall population of 789 King Shags recorded at 11 sites throughout the Marlborough Sounds. This is an increase from 633 birds recorded in the 2018 survey. The...